Planning is half the fun
A short trip, as the name suggests, is a relatively short stay at a certain place. We therefore recommend that you familiarize yourself with the various options and offers at Disneyland Paris before your trip and at least roughly plan your stay.
Which theme park would you like to visit on which day? Which roller coasters and carousels do you really want to ride? Which would you prefer not to? Which shows are at the top of your priority list? Would you like to watch the parade or the fireworks? Or would you like to spend a day outside the amusement parks to visit Paris or another destination?
Before you go on a short trip to Disneyland, think about these points and plan roughly what you want to do and when. Of course, you don't have to follow this plan slavishly on site, but you then have a rough direction that will make things a lot easier for you.
When planning, booking and preparing for the trip, the anticipation for the trip will certainly increase and you will be able to enjoy the vacation even more.